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LaserDisc and DVD Search Results


Enter the KeyWords you would like to search for in the field below. You can search by Actor, Director, Category or any other KeyWord which may be used in our description.


Hint: For a more exact search, enclose the phrase in quotes. If you want to search for any words from a group, enclose them in parentheses and seperate each word or phrase with a comma.

Example: "Clint Eastwood" (Western,Drama) DVD
This will match any "Clint Eastwood" "DVD" film which is a "Western" or a "Drama".

These links show our current and future arrivals.

© Laser Library 95-01, 1190 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 577-7035
Mirror Site Price subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographical errors.
Please note that the price listed is the original list price, not the sale price!